June 10, 2007

We have tried a number of ways to improve living standards

During the last 100 years humans have tried a number of ways to improve living standards for everyone in society and in the wider world. We have attempted to create centralized command economies but that led to the lowering of quality of life and in some cases led to totalitarianism, genocide and famine.

We have attempted paternalistic dictatorships which treated Africans and Asians like children which were rightly resented and discarded. Then of course we spent a few mad years just throwing money at the problem and attending pop concerts. Whoever said that what begins as tragedy ends in farce had a point? Today we no longer care. We feel that we are no longer responsible for the welfare of others. That is the heart of the problem today. We have tried all the above methods and any attempt to use them again will not get public support. All the current solutions from Bono or the G8 anarchists are just variations on previously failed ideas. So that is why the debate is exhausted.

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