May 24, 2007

Sri Lanka conflict

The Srilankans once upon a time not long ago though inflicted terrible persecution on the Tamils, this is based on racial I do not think it is a religious conflict, I do not know actually that well, but I think it is a race conflict rather than a Hindu Buddhist conflict.

Now the result of persecution is huanting them in the form of tamil terrorism, what can I do, or any nation do if both the sides are uncompromising, there will never be a situation where two sides in a conflict can win. if either of the is not willing to compromise, there can hardly be any solution.

We are not ethic less Muslims and Islamic countries who savor the division of countries you fool Elias...Muslims will never know the meaning of Motherland, because more than motherland they are ardent at following a rapist, pedophile and mass murderer. What Muslims are concerned with is Islamic land. thats it.
And BJP nor Hindus are not at dividing nations, like what the Islamic exemplary nations are doing all around the world funding insurgencies....

The Tamils should first try to strike a deal stopping the violence and then asking for self governance and see what happens....I would rather be happy if Tamils can find their aspirations fulfilled in a self governing territory, under Srilanka nation, that is good a good way.

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