May 24, 2007

Economic sense of mid east policy

Policy in the mid east, from an economic sense, is all about trying to control OPEC (Org of Petroleum Exporting Countries). In theory, the US goes into Iraq, they great us with flowers, we put a friendly govt in place, we build a bunch of bases (13 are planned currently, Democrats will talk about stopping it, but they won't) which constantly give the US a foothold in the country and we use the now friendly Iraqi govt as a proxy in OPEC. Industry bought our elections long ago, so now you have American energy co's, via the govt, with a proxy in OPEC.

Now that Iraq is crap the energy industry benefits... why? Gouging. How do you think oil co's are posting record profits while the US are at war w/ a major oil producer? (admittadly consumption is a factor) Why do you think the US is getting all worked up about Chavez in Venezuala? Because he is a socialist? Guess what. China is COMMUNIST the enslave their own people to work in factories. But they aren't a source of energy, and they enslave their own people to make clothes to sell to Walmart, so that's ok we'll have their leader to the White House for a hand holding session and to take pictures. But Chavez wants to throw Verizon out of Venezuala and Bush gets on TV and talks about how evil Chavez is.

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