May 22, 2007

The failures in Iraq are temporary

The failures in Iraq are temporary and we will continue to improve from here on out. There will be set backs and more violence, it’s a multi dimensional conflict with many layers of complicated politics and strife. The current Administration has failed to comprehend the complexity from the outset. (like layers of an onion, foreign insurgents, Bath party violence, Sunni vs Shiite, Iran's meddling, Syrian meddling, Saudi meddling, power plays from warlord locals, corruption and last but not least liberal media and propaganda) They are beginning to grasp the complexity due to new people in control. To little to late? Perhaps, only time will tell, but they are making gains on many levels. The Democrats are not interested in Progress, they are especially not interested in anything successful occurring in Iraq, as it would dampen there political momentum. The Democrats are only interested in getting the troops out of Iraq before any success can be realized, so that they may capitalize on would they would deem "the tremendous failure that has become Iraq". The progress now occurring in Iraq is particularly frightening to Democrats, because what was once their "sure thing" to fall back upon for political ammunition may start to erode away as certain success's come to light in Iraq. The political success of their party and it's control of America are more important to Democrat leaders then the troops in harms way. I predict that they will prove that by the decisions they make in the next couple of weeks with regard to the funding issues now before them.

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