Serbs version of world
It is very interesting that Serbs have one version of world (and their local) history and the rest of the world has another. So all other historians are incorrect according to Serbs??!!
No, Serbs never controlled Bosnia in their history, they lost Kosovo in 1389, and took back by force in 1912. It was populated by majority Albanians in 1912 and in 2007. They are still trying to keep something they lost over 600 years ago! By the way guys, did you know that th e biggest Serbian national holiday is the commemoration of their losing battle in 1389? They celebrate their loss? An issue for psychologists.
As far as Krajina (Croatia) is concerned, the Hapsburg emperor (and a Croatian king) declared border regions which belonged to Croatia as buffer military zone against the Turkish threats. oppressed Serbs from Turkish occupied Serbia settled this region (among other nations)lured by free land in exchange for military protection they provided. They also moved uninvited (as refuges) to southern Hungary which is now known as Voivodina and annexed it in 1918. Serbs have a long history of moving around the Balkans like nomads and then claiming those lands as theirs!!!
We Kosovars we Just want peace. We dont think to turn back our territory lost in history. We lost from Roman Imperatory, From Slavs, Turks, Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs. We were here until the other came here and occupied our territory. Now we have just a small territory in South west of Ballkans. We want to forget about our historu which is all wars,killing, ethinc cleansing and so one. We want to bulid our future together with the others in Ballkns. It is fact the not just Kosova but north and West of macedonia, north of Greece, south of Serbia, South of Monte Negro it is populated by Albanians. Serbs must understand that it is enough with occupation of Kosova. They ruled about 100 years. Now whole world understand the reality and the truth for Kosova. Kosova must be independent. The only thing we want for our community in south of Serbia, Monte negro Macedonia and Greece is to have same rights as Serbs have in Kosovo. We want to bulid good neighborhood with all countries around. You must live with us we must live with you. Why we can not have good and fair relations.
Kosovo to Declare Independence by End of May!!
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