May 30, 2007

To Fidel Castro

Free healthcare and education isn't the preserve of communist countries.
After having been to Cuba, where the minimum wage is 11 USD per month (contrast non-communist Brazil, where is more than 100 USD), the squalor and the dilapidation of, say, most of conditions of the general populous and the formerly glorious Spanish colonial architecture was astounding. I am all for anti-imperialist, idealistic leadership and ideology but I am afraid the Cuban people have been badly let down and have been conned. They deserve better, and managed capitalism would be the solution.

This man was allied with a regime that imprisoned and repressed nations and helped send millions to the Gulag, activity which he fundamentally approved. It still denies access to it's country for the red cross and Amnesty and tortures its own. Have you forgotten this?

Amnesty International's 2007 report states that in Castro's Cuba:
"Freedom of expression, association and movement continued to be severely restricted. At least 69 prisoners of conscience remained imprisoned for their political opinions. Political dissidents, independent journalists and human rights activists continued to be harassed, intimidated and detained, some without charge or trial."

If your policies are so great why not let the people vote? Why can't you leave your country? You took money from Russia while Stalin killed millions and millions of people, occupied several countries. You use secret police and control the media.

Fidel Castro free healthcare and education system is the excuses running a dictatorship. For the people around the world that support Castro because they do not support US, think in this: the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

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