Being that this country is one that was founded on religious beliefs and values; I feel it would be a grave mistake for America to forget that. Whether you believe in God or not, most religions teach very good values that can be utilized in everyone's daily lives to better yourself, strengthen your family, and help you deal with the entire BS that we all have to put up with. I do agree that when I wake up after working a midnight shift to someone pounding on my door at 9am wanting to talk to me about god, I get rather livid with them sometime. I believe in God and I go to church but I am not going to go door to door pushing my beliefs on anyone. If you ask me about it, I'd be more than happy to talk to you, and I wish others would have the same respect for others. But I don't think it's necessary to rip down a cross because it offends you, or remove "Under God" from the pledge of allegiance that we all grew up with.
As soon as this country does away with the religious values it was founded on, I feel it will be the end of us all. I know where I'm going, do you?
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