May 15, 2007

Giuliani report

Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani reported a whopping $16.1 million in earned income over the past 16 months, most of it in speaking fees.
Giuliani's report provides the first detailed picture of his vast holdings and income since his term as mayor of New York ended more than five years ago. Since then, Giuliani parlayed his image as an in-charge mayor during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks into lucrative speaking fees and business enterprises.
He reported $13 million to $45 million in assets, including his share in Giuliani & Co., a partnership that provides an array of consulting services. He also listed income from dividends and interest on many of those investments of at least $411,332 and as much as $3.3 million.
Giuliani's biggest single source of income between January 2006 and February 2007 came from speaking engagements around the world. He grossed $11.4 million in speeches, which includes fees retained by the Washington Speakers Bureau. He typically charged $100,000 per speaking engagement and as much as $200,000 on occasion.
Giuliani reported income of $4.1 million from Giuliani & Co., and $1.2 million from Bracewell & Giuliani, a law firm that also provides lobbying services for its clients. Giuliani also received $146,092 in royalties for "Leadership," a book about his experiences during and after the terrorist attack on New York.

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