May 13, 2007

US Wages

There will be a spillover effect for some 2.7 million workers, among them 350,000 early retirees, and it will surely spill over. But I add into basically 4 lava streams.

One, and the largest, will be an increase in the amount of money illegal immigrant workers expatriate to their countries of origin and loyalty. As Mexico, where illegal expatriated cash flows have now nearly equally Mexico’s Number 1 source of revenue, Oil production. A spill over that actually will do little to nothing for the United States at all.

Two, pressing a substantial portion of the next largest group, single mom's with children who are in this category off public assistance that is means tested, like food stamps, public housing assistance and many other programs. Thus costing them far more to work than not to work. Back to future in reverse, re-inscentivizing, the welfare culture of babies and public dole.

Three, the third group, the 62+ retirees who work part time for most part, yet some full time for some additional buying power. It is they who will be press up to a two lane road that forks off into only two directions. One, towards paying more taxes as the increases pushes them over threshold of Non-taxed SS benefits for which that 1/2 which is now taxable, has paid no taxes on. Two, look at negative consequences of gain in wages verse the increase in taxes and have to make a choice to either work less or stop as the cost benefit of the alternative tax has in effective not be good for them over all.

Lastly, probably the near or equal to the smallest of all four groups, perhaps 400 to 500,000 people in a country with a work force of 180 million + that small group who will actually get perhaps on average of $2,080 a year in extra spending power.

Like I said for this to be really meaningful as intent by those in Washington. More people, perhaps most, may, in the end, be negatively effected by this spillover than positively, unless the Washingtonian spin doctors increase the SS and public assistance means testing monetary thresholds that will included Illegal aliens who get public assistance as well.

A pie is not a pie, if it is made of only the crust you know.

Our Washingtonian Whores always try to spin in their usual smoke and mirrors, illusions of what they have done is good, leaving out the small prints reality that it is not, more often than not, what it appears. Then we, in our attention span deficit disorders, suck it all up from, often as not, varying contradictory print and other media versions and the talking head spin doctors who punditry depth or lack thereof colors what it really means in the usual 30 second sound bites of what they want us to think it all means.


Anonymous said...

your point is a valid one. However I'm not going to be the one to punish those that are United States citizens; the ones that deserve "the spillover". The topic of immigration is one that needs to be solved in Washington DC. by both parties.

When those ding-dongs in Washington DC.(and yes, both parties) come to the realization that one can not just waltz over the border, make gain and go home; when, one realizes that yes, we must punish dishonest employers that goes out of their way to break laws; then, and only then, can one be on the right track to solving the problems that you mentioned.

Meanwhile, I believe that it would be a tad bit cold blooded to stop those legitimate lava flows.

Anonymous said...

I can not disagree with your logic here. We have lots of citizens and legal residence who are poor here who are actually having to compete and thus are getting stolen from them, vast amounts of medical, family and pubic assistance they need in this don't ask don't tell PC society.

Citizens and residents who in direct competetion with non-citizens and residences recieves less of the pie and thus, compete for what would be, without the incentivizing of illegal immigration, a well abundant supply of resources for a far better range of help in all areas of the nations social consciousness as to its commmittment to take care of our weak, poor and less fortunate...