May 10, 2007

Price per gallon

A plan to increase fuel efficiency standards to an average of 35 miles per gallon by 2020 won approval from a Senate panel Tuesday in a vote closely watched by automakers and environmental groups.

Congress should mandate that oil companies build MORE refineries in the US. That’s the reason gas is high. Oil companies have no interest in building more because they like the profits from high gas prices. In the 80's there were 300 refineries. Now, there are only 100.

There has not been a new refinery built in this country in over 30 years. The environmentalists have blocked every effort that the oil companies have tried. When Katrina hit, that was one of the major problems because it put big percentage of our refinery capacity out. Every time there is a fire at a refinery it cuts into the flow of oil to the population. We are getting just like Iran; their biggest problem is that they do have much of a capacity to refine Gasoline, just like us. If there’s ever a terrorist attack on our refineries, we will be in very deep do do. As the old saying goes,” You aren’t seen nothing yet."

They have no intentions of building more with the hundreds of billions profits...

They control the flow...they also will not use our own oil because it is accounted for and they don't want meter readers...

How many dry wells aren't dry???? What about the satellite imagery showing where the oil is in the western plains...can't hide in off shore accounts as easy...

90% of the cars will get the 35mpg down hill with the engine shut off...

If mileage would double, then gasoline will double..the Senate will not cap these greedy b.....ds. or put on an excess profit way...

They have the news media adjusting you to the $2,$3 and now $4 with $5 to follow...

The Senate could for the President to mandate Electric cars, who are they going to steal from for the fuel to run them?? They've made them, put them in Rental car agencies, pulled them back when we came up with food for fuel, then destroyed them..

The 35mph will be the next lie...Electric, folks, will go 80mph...on a days charge..

Another never happen BS, by the worthless Senate who works for big business, not for the Average Worker..

Don't hold your breath, waiting...$10 a gallon, by then..why 2020, when they can do it NOW????


Anonymous said...

Matters not if the average car got 100MPG.
They will raise prices accordingly.
To $100.00 a gallon.
Because Americans will not sacrifice anything to prevail.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the optimism 'round these parts...

Anonymous said...

Electric cars will happen whether or not congress mandates or not. See the link below.

Its ideal for places like california, arizona, and florida where you get lots of sunshine and could recharge from solar cells.

Anonymous said...

Electric cars will happen whether or not congress mandates or not. See the link below.

Its ideal for places like california, arizona, and florida where you get lots of sunshine and could recharge from solar cells.