May 15, 2007

Florida property tax

This plan is a disgrace. How can Hairdopolus and Pruitt even show their faces in the Senate? They might as well just raise the property tax outright, because this plan is NOT A TAX DECREASE. Rolling back to 2005/6 taxes??? Real estate prices are already at or below 2005/6 prices.

Where is the leadership in the Senate? Where is Crist? Is this another 'insurance reform' type deal where nothing actually happens? Is Governor Crist all smoke and mirrors on insurance and tax reform?

A tax revolt is needed in Florida. If you discourage ownership of property and business like this state does with its taxes, you must expect people not to own which equals recession in the near future, which equals lower government revenues from taxes you would logically expect leadership to change the system now, before we head into recession. What a bunch of “genius” they have running the state.


Anonymous said...

They must all be drunk.This whole plan is outrageously stupid.I plan to e-mail Rubio,Pruitt and the governor.Everyone that agrees should also e-mail them.

Anonymous said...

Now the Herald says the homestead exemption is doubled for first time home buyers only if the house is 100k or MORE. The sentinel says 100k or less? That does not sound right and would hurt the smaller counties so I think the sentinel got it wrong. Here is the herald article and it says 100k or more.