June 2, 2007

Liberals can expect to win?

Liberals thought that they were going to win in 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004.
You can't expect to win if:
You run someone with less personality than his opponent (Gore).
Your candidate has called a significant portion of the voting age electorate "Baby-Killers" in the past---Kerry.
Your candidates aren't middle of the road and not wild-eyed fringe proponents of the liberal leftists like---Gore and Kerry.
Finally the liberals better hope their party makes some gains--or it is headed for extinction.
The rest of the nation has caught on to the liberal ploy of registering unlimited illegal immigrants to vote as part of the motor voter law--along with their unlimited illegal driver's licenses.
The rest of the country has caught on to the liberal effort to increase welfare and social expenditures by making unlimited illegal immigrants eligible for benefits that should only go to citizens.
The liberals have wasted more money on Great Deficit Society programs going to illegally ineligible persons than will ever be spent on "Star Wars" and SDI!!
At this critical junction in history; when North Korea and Iran are developing ICBMs and Nuclear Weapons ( Weapons of Mass Destruction )
electing more liberals, who only made the countries and problems worse in the past; will lead directly to World War III with the Islamics.
The liberal Carter failed to support the Shah, a US ally and long term friend in the region; when the Ayatollahs revolted against him in 1979. Just by his little old self Carter and those who voted for him; have probably ended civilization in a nuclear war in the future.
Carter also was involved in the failed Clinton-Carter North Korean negotiations to limit their development of ICBMs and nuclear weapons.
Both of these massive mistakes will have to be rectified in the future; just to have a future.
They won't be rectified by electing more liberals.
Undoubtedly North Korea, Iran, China, Syria, and Russia as well as other trouble making countries in the world are all in favor of liberal administrations; becuase they can get away with a lot more under the liberals.

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