June 26, 2008
Dems Will Not Allow Oil Supply Increase
Mugabe is a fascist dictator
Robert Mugabe is one of the most prolific mass murderer in modern history on par with those animals who rule Burma. He is committing genocide to retain his grip on power. In the face of hundreds of thousands of human being starving to death, his murdering four more human beings is hardly worth the mention.
He has no other tactic other than terror. He should never have been allowed to leave Italy when he was there to attend the UN meeting. Mugabe is a lying, fascist dictator. The only reason he still hangs on to power is his main sponsor -the aids denialist Mbeki-.
Mugabe (Zimbabwe), Fidel Castro (Cuba) and Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) must be condemned by the international community. If not, we are supporting his crimes.
June 19, 2008
We need to drill more for oil
About two years ago a significant event happened in oil production that will have a big impact on world consumption: For the first time in history the rate of depletion of known reserves now exceeds that of new reserve discovery. What this means is that we are using up our known reserves faster then we are replacing them with new discovery. So yes! We need to drill more. It's not simply a matter of economics, but also one of our very survivals. Without oil the human race will crash and burn out.
June 13, 2008
McCain defends controversial Iraq comment
June 12, 2008
Ireland to vote on EU reform treaty
This Treaty is about restructuring institutions that are ALREADY there. It is about reforming and making the EU which has the overwhelming support of Irish people 90%+ . It is not about changing National Law's, or National Freedom.
The Yes side has been so slow and unable to get the basic simple principles that are good about this treaty across.
The No side has simply muddied the water, confused people. Putting doubts about the EU's involvement in Ireland's tax and abortion laws…